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溶剂的英文翻译 溶剂英文怎幺说 溶剂的英文例句





solvent [sɔlvәnt]

    adj.溶解的,有偿付能力的,有溶解力 n.溶媒,溶剂,解决方法


在这种情况下,宜採用适当的有机溶剂。In this case a suitable organic solvent should be applied.榨出饼的含油率和水份适合于溶剂浸出。The percentage of oil and water content in cake are suitable for sovent extraction.


丙烯酸树脂溶剂 acryloid

两性溶剂 amphiprotic solvent

中性溶剂 neutral solvent

中溶剂精製油 medium solvent refined oil

互溶剂 mutual solvent

亲质子溶剂 protophilic solvent

供氢溶剂法 Exxon donor solvent process, EDS煤与预加氢的供氢溶剂进行直接反应的液化工艺。

偶极亲质子溶剂 dipolar protophilic solvent

偶极疏质子溶剂 dipolar protophobic solvent

偶极非质子溶剂 dipolar aprotic solvent

共溶剂 cosolvent

动力学溶剂效应 kinetic solvent effect

助溶剂焊剂 flux

区分溶剂 differentiating solvent

去溶剂化 desolvation

可生物降解无毒性安全溶剂 biodegradable non-toxic safety solvent

含溶剂的清洗器 solvent cleaner

增溶剂 solubilizer

工业用生产中有机溶剂挥发气体回收技术 recovery technique for evaporated gas of organic solvent in industrial productio工业用生产中有机溶剂

废溶剂 waste solvent

弗卢罗萤光增白剂溶剂染料 Fluorol

弗卢罗萤光增白剂溶剂染料 Fluorol

惰性溶剂 inert solvent

手性溶剂 chiral solvent

抽提溶剂 extraction solvent

抽提溶剂油 solvent for extraction

拉平溶剂 leveling solvent

斯托达德溶剂 Stoddard solvent

斯陶大溶剂 Stoddard solvent

斯陶大溶剂 Stoddard solvent

