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水费的英文翻译 水费英文怎幺说 水费的英文例句



[shuǐ fèi]

    water bill

water [wɔ:tә(r)]

    n.水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体 vt.喷淋,供以水,注入水,使湿 vi.流泪,加水 adj.水的,水上的,水生的,含水的

bill [bil]

    n.帐单,钞票,票据,清单,议案,法案,广告 vt.用海报宣传,把...列成表,给...开帐单


看来他们要提高水费了。Apparently they're intending to put up the price of water.他不曾付水费,因此公司停止供水了。He hadn't paid for his water so the company shut it off.检查水錶和水费单,掌握食水用量。Check you water meter and bill to track the amount of water you use.


两部水费 composite water fee又称"複合水费"。灌溉水费中既按亩收取某一定值作为基本水费,又按用水量收取按方水费的制度。

供水费 fees for water supplied

出港引水费 outward pilotage

实物水费 water fee in kind用产品如小麦、稻穀、棉花等)交纳的水费。

工业水费 industrial water fee, industrial water price工矿部门向供水单位所交纳的费用。

引水费 pilotage; pilotage dues

按亩水费 water fee by acerage, water price by acerage按灌溉亩数计量的水费。

按户水费 water fee by household按户或按其人数)而不论其用水量多少向供水单位定期交纳的生活用水水费。

按方水费 water fee by volume, water price by volume按用水量的体积计量的水费。

水费 water expense

水费实收率 collection rate of water fee实际收到的水费总数与按规定应收水费总数的比值,以百分数计。

水费,水价 water expense; water rate

灌溉水费 irrigation water charge供水单位根据提供的灌溉用水量或灌溉的面积按一定标準向用水户收取的费用。

煤气及水费 gas and water expenses

照明、取暖和水费 light; heat and water expense

生活水费 domestic water fee, domestic water price为家庭生活供水所收取的水费。

给水率,自来水费 charge for water

自来水费 water rate

货币水费 water fee in cash用货币交纳的水费。

进港引水费 inward pilotage

