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睡袋的英文翻译 睡袋英文怎幺说 睡袋的英文例句



[shuì dài]

    sleeping bag

sleeping [sli:piŋ]

    n.睡眠 adj.睡着的

bag [bæg]



因为要出去野营,她特别地激动,以至于忘了带睡袋She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.他在睡袋里睡觉。He slept in the sleeping bag.太阳直晒在艾尔的身上和睡袋上。The sun beat down on al and the bag.爱丽丝的睡袋空了;Her sleeping bag was empty;把卷着的地毯、地图、睡袋展开。Unroll a carpet map sleeping-bag那天夜里,乔丹钻进自己的睡袋,睡在游击队住宿的山洞外。That night jordan sleeps outside the guerillas'cave in his sleeping-bag.然后把她们装进睡袋Putting them in a sleeping bag让太阳把睡袋晒热。Let the sun heat the sleeping bag.睡袋有一股霉味。The sleeping bag smelt fusty.洗涤用,可以恢复绒毛衣服、睡袋和羊毛围巾的伸缩性和天然防水性。Restores the loft and natural water-repellency of down garments sleeping bags and comforters.这是你们的睡袋。There's your sleeping bag.这些睡袋是用被料或丙烯酸材料製成的。The sleeping bags are made of quilted or acrylic material.


抗低温睡袋 antihypothermia bag

拉鍊底睡袋 zipper bottom sleeping bag

睡袋 bivvy sac night bag sleeping bag

绒布睡袋 flannelette sleepling bag

羽绒睡袋 down-filled sleeping bag down sleeping bag

露宿用睡袋 flea bag

鸭绒睡袋 duck down-filled sleeping bag duvet bag

