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束缚的英文翻译 束缚英文怎幺说 束缚的英文例句




    to bind
    to restrict
    to tie

bind [baind]


restrict [ri'strikt]



我需要一些束缚乳房的东西。Of these tit restraining devices.新的股票市场不受传统的束缚。The new stock market is unhampered by tradition.新的剧作家们冲破了老传统的束缚。The new playwrights broke out of the old conventional straitjacket.新兴的国家正在努力挣脱束缚。The new nations are trying to free themselves of their swaddling clothes.用链子限制或束缚起来。Restrain or bind with chains.这将给予黑人不受种族主义束缚而自由生活的机会。This would give black people the opportunity to live unhampered by tradition.


使不受束缚 emancipate from

使受束缚 chain down

使束缚在...上 tie down to

准束缚的 quasi bound

受...的束缚 imprison by; tie to

摆脱束缚 slip the deash; slipped the deash

束缚 astrict; duresse; leash; stranglehold; thraldom; thrallodom

束缚-束缚跃迁 bound-bound transition束缚在原子里的电子从一个能态到另一能态的跃迁。

束缚-自由系统雷射器 bound-free laser

束缚-自由跃迁 bound-free transition束缚在原子里的电子获得能量成为自由电子的过程。

束缚住 hold onto

束缚在...上 be bound to

束缚态 bound state

束缚性契约 tying contract

束缚水 irreducible water

束缚水饱和度 irreducible water saturation

束缚沥青 fixed bitumen

束缚物 bind; stricture

束缚生产力发展 hamper the development of the productive forces

束缚生长素 bound auxin

束缚电子 bound electron

束缚电荷 bound charge

束缚着 in thrall to

束缚能 binding energy

紧束缚近似 tight binding approximation

紧紧束缚于 be bound up in

经过确认具有束缚性的契约 firm contract

脱离束缚 gone over the wall

脱离身体和精神上的束缚 gone over the wall

被束缚的 bound

