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输掉的英文翻译 输掉英文怎幺说 输掉的英文例句




    to lose

lose [lu:z]

    vt.遗失,浪费,错过,输去,使失去,使迷路,使沉溺于 vi.受损失,失败


输掉比赛的人要喝干一杯啤酒。The loser of a game is required to chug a beer.他从来没有输掉过长程比赛。He has never lost a long-distance race.他虽然领先分数与所剩洞数相等但他仍然输掉了这场比赛。He was dormie three and still lost the match.我要赢回去年输掉的钱To win back the money I lost last year.那天我们输掉了太空竞赛It's the day we lost the space race.汤姆那时要是能在输掉更多的钱之前赶紧离开纽马基特就好了。Tom would have been well advised to tear himself away from newmarket before he lost any more money.玩wiffleball你会输掉租金吗?Can you lose your rent playing wiffle ball?我担心我们可能会输掉这场比赛是有充分根据的。My fears that we would lose the game were well-founded.我们输掉了和蒸气火车头的这次比赛We're gonna lose this race to thomas the tank engine?执政党期望这次顺利通过大选,但实际上他们却输掉了。The party in power expected to sweep in this time but in fact they lost votes.


假装被击倒而故意输掉 take a dive; taken a dive; took a dive

掷骰子输掉 dice away

赌输掉 play away

输掉 lost out

