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日托的英文翻译 日托英文怎幺说 日托的英文例句




    daycare;day care;day nursery

day [dei]


care [keә(r)]

    n.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由...转交 vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱 vt.在意


她工作的那家公司有日托。Day care is provided by the company she works for.日托提供者;日托服务中心Daycare providers; day care centers.simms公司那根本没有日托They don't have day care at zimms.不只是单纯照看而且还负担教育任务的幼儿日托工作。Day care which is educational and not just custodial.孩子可以部分日托,从而使负担沉重的母亲能腾出两天空余时间来。The child could attend a day nursery part time freeing two days for the stressed mother.计画在附近创办一个日托中心。There are plans to start up a day-care center in the neighborhood.你想让我把女儿送到日托??You want me to put my daughter in day care?双休日,日托所不开门There's no day care on the weekends她的孩子是日托还是全托?Is her child in a day nursery or boarding nursery?我们有日托服务,ed,日托We have day care ed day care.日托不仅仅是保护,还有教育性;守护天使;守护神。Daycare that is educational and not just custodial; a guardian angel; tutelary gods.四月八日托斯卡娜隆重推出“复活节”套餐,价值338元,并赠送巧克力彩蛋四粒。April8th you can enjoy toscana set menu for easter and present four colorful chocolate eggs.


日托中心 day-care center

日托医院 day hospital

日托机构 day care facility

