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霜冻的英文翻译 霜冻英文怎幺说 霜冻的英文例句




    frost damage (to crop)

frost [frɔst]

    n.霜,霜冻,严寒 v.结霜

damage [dæmidʒ]

    n.损害,伤害 v.招致损害 n.[律] (用複数)赔偿金

crop [krɔp]

    n.农作物,产量,平头,短髮 vt.收割,修剪,种植 vi.收穫


冻伤的手指;霜冻了的葡萄没办法作为新鲜水果来销售。Frostbitten fingers; frostbitten grapes unsalable as fresh fruit.秋季的第一阵霜冻天气。The first frosts of autumn.一个寒冷的有霜冻的清晨。It was a cold frosty morning.这株植物看上去情况不妙,想必是霜冻造成的。That plant looks in poor condition. I think it must be some of jack frost's work.l1月份常常出现霜冻。Frosts often occur in november.而被升温,我便打扫霜冻过的榻榻米。While they were warming up I would then sweep the frost off the tatami.霜冻,如果是时间较长的霜冻,则可杀死裸露的蚜虫,但可引导产生越冬卵。Frost if severe and long enough kills exposed aphids but enhances development of overwintering eggs.霜冻将幼小的植物彻底冻死。The frost killed the young plants stone-dead.他们想法在霜冻前赶紧完成秋耕工作。They were trying to rush through the autumn ploughing before the frost.许多幼小的植物在突然来到的霜冻中死去。Many youg plants were killed by the sharp frost.昨夜的霜冻把庄稼毁坏了。Last night's frost has played old harry with the crops.


平流辐射霜冻 advection radiation frost又称"混合霜冻"。

平流霜冻 advection frost

药品防霜冻箱 medicine antifrost box

霜冻 frost injury生长季节里,因气温降到0℃或0℃以下而使植物受害的一种农业气象灾害,不管是否有霜出现。

霜冻敏感的 frost susceptible

霜冻线 frost line

