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认罪的英文翻译 认罪英文怎幺说 认罪的英文例句




    to admit guilt
    to plead guilty

admit [әd'mit]


guilt [gilt]


plead [pli:d]

    vi.辩护,恳求 vt.为...辩护,藉口,托称

guilty [gilti]



我不会避不认罪,我也不会逃避我应得的报应L don't dodge guilt and l don't jew out of paying my comeuppance.写此信的本身就是一种认罪。The write of the letter is ipso facto an admission of guilt.这囚犯会厚着脸皮干下去还是会停下来认罪?Would the prisoner brazen it out or break down and confess?对你来说最好的做法就是认罪The best course of action would be for you to plead guilty如果你对强暴案认罪…Lf you plead guilty to rape...他的良心驱使他向警方认罪。His conscience prick him on to admit his crime to the police.他的那些无可否认的疑问;被承认了的错误;认罪了的兇手;自己承认了的剽窃者。His admitted doubts; the conceded error; a confessed murderer; a self-confessed plagiarist.他对自己阻碍司法伏首认罪He plead guilty to obstruction of justice.铁证如山,那个坏家伙不得不低头认罪。Confronted with ironclad evidence the scoundrel had to plead guilty.一个可爱的恋童癖主动认罪A cute pedophile pleads guilty.在大量证据面前,那个小偷不得不低头认罪。In the face of so much evidence the thief was forced to plead guilty.


不出庭而通过邮寄方式认罪 plea of guilty by post

不认罪答辩 plea of not guilty

拒绝认罪辨护或申辩无罪 failure to plead

认罪 admit one''s guilt; acknowledge one''s guilt; cry peccavi; plead guilty; acknowledgment of guilt; admission of guilt; confession; peccavi

认罪书 statement of confession

认罪求情 plea-bargain; plea bargain; plea bargaining

认罪答辩 plea of guilty

通过邮寄方式认罪 plea of guilty by post

默示认罪 implied confession

