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人证的英文翻译 人证英文怎幺说 人证的英文例句




    witness testimony

witness [witnis]

    n.[律]证人,目击者,证据,证明,证词 vt.目击,为...作证,证明,表明 vi.作证,成为证据

testimony [testimәni; (-) -mәuni]



受益人证明声明包装为国际出口包装,签字并注明日期。Beneficiarys signed and dated statement certifying packing international export packing.未提供许可证持有人证书。伺服器无法发行许可证。No licensee certificates were provided.the server cannot issue a license.一定是他们拿到了某些证人证言They'd have to show him some kind of witness deposition or something.发言人证实了这一消息。The spokesman affirmed the news.向世人证明了。。。太阳的自转!Proving to all... solar rotation!政府发言人证实,天皇将于明年秋天访华。The government spokesman confirmed that the mikado would visit china next fall.


人证 testimony of witness

人证物证 human testimony and material evidence

发明人证书 inventor''s certificate; author''s certificate; copyright certificate;

发明人证书制度 investor''s certificate system

发货人证明书 shipper''s certificate

受益人证明书,受益人证书 beneficiary''s certificate; beneficiary certificate

增补发明人证书 inventors'' certificate of addition

对证人证词的可靠性提出疑义 impeach the testimony of a witness

此票破裂处须出票人证实 mutilated cheque draft) requires drawer''s confirmation

法院发出的监护人证书 letter of conservatorship

由公证人证明的法律行为 notarially certified juristic act

码头管理人证明书 wharfinger warrant

经公证人证明的拒付 authenticated protest

证人证言 witness'' testimony

证人证言笔录 deposition; record of witness'' testimony

赔偿担保人证书 back-bond; back-letter

鑒定人证据 expert evidence; expert testimony

鑒定人证明 expert evidence

