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[rénzào xiānwéi]

    synthetic fiber

synthetic [sin'θetik]


fiber [faibә(r)]

    n.=fibre 光纤


人造纤维製品的开发。The development of artificial fibres.这种人造纤维有丝一样的质感。This artificial fabric has the texture of silk.法国中东部一城市,位于罗纳河边;丝绸和人造纤维的主要生产地。A city in east-central france on the rhone river; a principal producer of silk and rayon.对于人造纤维来说,热定形是整理过程是一个重要工序。Heat setting is an essential step in the finishing process for man-made fibers.人造纤维板由木浆压制成的一种轻的、半硬的建筑材料,用作墙和隔板A light semirigid building material of compressed wood pulp used for walls and partitions.人造纤维毯子不如毛毯那幺暖和、经久耐用。Rayon blankets are less warm and don't wear as well as woollen ones.纤维填料一种用作填充材料或绝缘材料的轻人造纤维,如做棉被、枕头或外套Lightweight synthetic fiber used as filling or insulation as in comforters pillows and outerwear.一个把丝或者人造纤维撚成线或纱的人。A person who twists silk or rayon filaments into a thread or yarn.


中空人造纤维 hollow rayon fibre

人造纤维 artificial fibre; rayon fibre; synthetic textile

人造纤维水带 artificial fibre hose

人造纤维素纤维 rayonne Reyon

人造纤维纺丝机 rayon spinning machine

人造纤维绸 man-made fibre piece-goods

人造纤维编结手提包 plaited synthetic fibre handbag

国际人造纤维与合成纤维委员会 International Rayon and Synthetic Fibres Committee IRSFC)

斯尼亚人造纤维公司 Società Nazionale Industria Applicazioni Viscosa SPA

粘胶人造纤维 viscose rayon fibre

纤维素系人造纤维 cellulosic man-made fibre

阿克索人造纤维公司 Akzo NV

