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涮的英文翻译 涮英文怎幺说 涮的英文例句



    to rinse
    to trick
    to fool sb

rinse [rins]

    v.嗽口,(用清水)刷,沖洗掉,漂净 n.嗽洗,漂洗,漂清,沖洗

trick [trik]

    n.诡计,骗局,恶作剧,窍门,诀窍 vt.欺骗,哄骗


再用这瓶子装东西之前,一定要将它涮乾净。Make sure that the bottle is completely rinsed out before you refill it.把衣服涮一涮。Rinse the clothes.倒掉沉渣,把壶涮乾净。Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot.旅游协会主席要请您吃涮羊肉。Chairman of the tourism association would like to invite you to a mongolian fire pot dinner.她用清水涮了杯子。She swilled the glasses with clean water.从利特里姆郡进城来的时候,他们只是些红头髮伙计,在地窖里涮空瓶子,连顾客喝剩在杯中的酒也给攒起来。Coming up redheaded curates from the county leitrim rinsing empties and old man in the cellar.拿出餐具和银餐具;洗涮餐具Took out the dishes and silverware; washed the dishes.因为他们不认为端盘子涮碗是下贱、落魄。They don't consider washing dishes to be contemptible and sorehead.在哈林家,洗涮的日子是趣味盎然的,永远不会枯燥乏味。Wash-day was interesting never dreary at the harlings.


水涮窝 washing hole地面集流通过沟头壁淘蚀成窝状的半圆形洞穴。

