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认输的英文翻译 认输英文怎幺说 认输的英文例句




    to concede
    to admit defeat

concede [kәn'si:d]

    vt.勉强,承认,退让 vi.让步

admit [әd'mit]


defeat [di'fi:t]

    n.击败,战胜,失败 vt.击败,战胜,使失败,挫折 v.击败


这个普普通通的指挥见到这样的乐谱便认输了。The average conductor, faced with such a score, throws up his cards.他不愿认输。He is unwilling to acknowledge defeat.`先别认输,'她鼓励道。Don't give in now, ' she urged.只要让我听到他那样说,我就会让他低头认输的。Just let me hear him say that and I'll make him eat dirt!安沃特向阿拉贡的崔斯坦认输Anwalt yields to tristan of aragon.吉米森先生,你认输了吗?Mr.jamieson are you lying down?儘管面对着一切论据,他顽固地拒不认输。In spite of every argument he obstinately refused to knuckle under.水滴石穿,石头终究要彻底地认输!The dropping water and the solid stone--how utterly it yields at last!他一看到证据就只好认输。He have to climb down when he see the evidence.辛伯向阿拉贡的崔斯坦认输Singbard yields to tristan of aragon.发电厂,电信局,这些我都认输The powerhouse the telephone exchange these I concede.那挑战者不认输,常常回过来,却挨了许多揍。The challenger wouldn't admit defeat and came back for more punishment time after time.


认输 threw in my hand; threw up their hands in despair; throw in their hand; throw up our hands in despair; thrown in the towel; toss in the sponge

