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孀的英文翻译 孀英文怎幺说 孀的英文例句




widow [widәu]

    n.寡妇 v.使成寡妇(或鳏夫)


大公(爵)夫人公爵妻子或遗孀The wife or widow of an archduke.大公的妻子、遗孀或奥地利议院首脑的公主。A wife or widow of an archduke or a princess of the former ruling house of austria.孀妇同样一本正经地回欠了一下,就命令马车夫继续赶路了。The widow returned the bow with equal formality and ordered her coachman to drive on.布赖德街那位受到深切哀悼的已故派翠克•麦凯布的遗孀,弗萝伦丝•麦凯布太太。Mrs florence maccabe relict of the late patk maccabe deeply lamented of bride street.侯爵夫人,总督夫人侯爵(或总督)的妻子或遗孀The wife or widow of a margrave.那位年轻的太太,希刺克厉夫夫人,是他的遗孀吧?` And that young lady mrs heathcliff is his widow? '所有这些钱作为给他的遗孀的抚养费。All this money was appropriated for the support of his widow.她在漫长的孀居期间继续以崇敬的心情怀念他。She continued to worship his memory throughout her long widowhood.拥有男爵等级的贵族妇女或是男爵的妻子或遗孀。A noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron.在位君主的母亲,先王的遗孀。A queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign.这位孀妇拥有这幢大楼及其周围的地产。The widow owns this building and its surrounding lands.


合法遗孀 lawful relict

孀妇权 usufruct of the widow

遗孀 surviving widow; widow

遗孀继承权 jus relictae

