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摔倒的英文翻译 摔倒英文怎幺说 摔倒的英文例句




    to fall down
    to slip and fall
    a throw (in wrestling)

fall [fɔ:l]

    n.秋天,落下,瀑布,降低,落差,採伐量,堕落,下降 vi.倒下,落下,来临,失守,变成,垮台,下跌,阵亡 vt.击倒,砍倒(树木) adj.秋天的

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地

slip [sliP]

    n.滑倒,事故,片,纸片;vi.滑动,滑倒,失足,减退;vt.使滑动,滑过,摆脱,闪开,塞入;adj.滑动的,活络的,有活结的;Serial Line Interface Protocol,串列线路介面协定

throw [θrәu]

    n.投,掷 v.扔,抛,(指马)把骑者摔在地上,使苦恼,惊忧,投掷


他摔倒在地,死了。He keeled over and died.她摔倒了,撞到了头!Her fall and hit her head!我扶着他怕他摔倒。I held him up for fear he should fall.之后我再也没有摔倒过!And I didn't fall over again!但pheidippides跑到之后太累了,摔倒在地上死了。But pheidippides was so tired after the run that he fell on the ground and died.摔跤运动员摔倒了他的对手。The wrestler tripped his opponent.她摔倒后感到腿上一阵剧烈的疼痛。As she fell a searing pain shot through her leg.我走下维苏威火山时突然摔倒So I'm repelling down mount vesuvius when suddenly I slip.小心第一步,很容易摔倒的Watch out for that first step. It's quite a tumble.唷!我几乎摔倒。Whew! I almost fall down.这条小径很陡,小心别摔倒。The path's very steep so mind you don't fall.


摔倒 fling down; throw down; throw someone off balance; topple over; trip up

