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树桩的英文翻译 树桩英文怎幺说 树桩的英文例句



[shù zhuāng]

    tree stump

tree [tri:]

    n.树,木料,树状物 vt.赶上树 n.[计] 显示驱动器的子目录结构 vi.爬上树,逃上树

stump [stʌmp]

    n.树桩,残余,烟头 v.掘去树桩,砍成树桩,绊倒,难住,截去


我得用一把短柄斧来劈这树桩。I shall have to take a hatchet to that stump.他把树桩当桌子用。He used the stump as a table.他在树桩上绊了一下。He stumbled over a stump.直立的死树站立的死树或树桩,尤指被火烧死的(树或树桩)A standing dead tree or tree stump, especially one killed by fire.多年来他们都把这个树桩当作砧板。They had used that stump for many years as a chopping block.使用除草剂防止预留树桩生长;Apply herbicide to remaining stumps to inhibit growth.他们在房子里放了一个树桩,当成杀牛的砧板。They kept a big stump in the house as a chopping block to kill cows on.几颗树木的树杆,交叉盘绕,形成一道围篱,树和树的中间,还用树桩加固。The trunks of several trees had been wattled across the intervals strengthened with stakes.清除树桩、主要根系、表面岩石等;Remove stumps main root system surface rock etc.一些关于石化的树桩的事情Something about a petrified tree stump.


树桩 stub

树桩盆景 penjing planted with old dwarf trees

