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树形的英文翻译 树形英文怎幺说 树形的英文例句



[shù xíng]

    tree form;vrksasana

tree [tri:]

    n.树,木料,树状物 vt.赶上树 n.[计] 显示驱动器的子目录结构 vi.爬上树,逃上树

form [fɔ:m]

    n.形状,形态,外形,表格,形式 v.形成,构成,排列,(使)组成


树篱由一排密种的灌木或长得低的树形成的一道栅栏或分界线A row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary.古老的栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.画出下列句子的树状图,包括含字尾变化的片语(ip)和补语片语(cp)。Give the tree structures for the following sentences-include ips and cps.卡巴拉是现在,生命树形态的象徵。The kabala is presented symbolically in the form of the tree of life.形态特徵:树形蕨类植物,茎直立,高可达6米。Description: tree-ferns trunk erect up to6m tall.由大树形成的拱道。An archway of huge trees.由树形或扇形的角状骨骼的珊瑚。Corals having a treelike or fan-shaped horny skeleton.预留位置。由树形网格控制项代替。Placeholder.supplanted by tree grid control.表示动植物种类史关係的一种树状图表。A tree diagram used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships.


加法器树形乘法 adder tree multiplication

条件概率的树状图 tree diagram of conditional probability

枞树形叶片 n. fir-tree blade

树形函数 tree function

树状图 arborescence

树形处理 tree processing

树形排序 tree ordering

树形笔石类 dendroids

树形系统 tree system

树形结构 tree structure

树形结构简化法 tree height reduction technique

树形网路 tree network

树形耦合器 tree coupler

树形解码器 tree decoder

树形配电系统 tree system of distribution

直接树形 direct tree

