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扔下的英文翻译 扔下英文怎幺说 扔下的英文例句




    to throw down
    to drop (bomb)

throw [θrәu]

    n.投,掷 v.扔,抛,(指马)把骑者摔在地上,使苦恼,惊忧,投掷

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地

drop [drɔp]

    v.滴下,落下,(使声音等)变弱,(使价格等)下降,使跌倒,使结束,不再讨论,停止与(某人)交往 n.落下,下降,滴,滴剂,点滴,微量,下跌

bomb [bɔm]

    n.炸弹 vt.投弹于,轰炸


鸟身女巫扔下了祭司,但是她尽力抓住了一根身旁的绳子。The harpies let the oracle go but she manages to grab hold of a nearby rope.扔下了凝固汽油弹。On the two downed choppers.他扔下他的杂誌。He threw down his magazine.象个只能扔下10块钱的孤胆英雄。Like the lone ranger with10bucks to throw down.第二位旅游者扔下手錶,The second throws his watch倾倒大量放出或扔下To release or throw down in a large mass.扔下你的枪,并且举起双手走出来。Throw down your guns and come on out with your hands up.扔下武器,举起手走出山洞Throw down your weapons put up your hands and come out of this cave.她愤怒地扔下电话听筒。She slammed the receiver down in fury.我们就把你头朝下扔下去We'll drop you squoosh on your silly head.


将...扔下来 ding off

将...随意扔下 toss down

扔下 threw down

扔下的 spill

