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热能的英文翻译 热能英文怎幺说 热能的英文例句




    heat energy

heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹

energy [enәdʒi]



护盾热能抗性的图示现在和其他的抗性图示相应。Shield thermal damage resistance icon now matches all the other "thermal damage resistance" icons.即使铀矿体埋得足够深,它的放射成因热能被测出。Radiogenic heat even from a fairly deep-seated uranium orebody could be measured.焦耳电能、机械能和热能的国际体制单位The international system unit of electrical mechanical and thermal energy.进口耐高温织维隔热布大大减少热能损耗。Imported thermostable fabrics to minimize thermal energy loss.使烤焦用热能烤焦或烧灼To scorch or sear with heat.随着温度的上升,热能的比例迅速上升。The proportion of thermal energy increases rapidly with increasing temperature.它们是地热能、太阳能和风力。They are geothermal energy solar energy and wind power.以这种方式损失的能量最终表现为分子的动能或热能。The energy dissipated in this way will finally appear as energy of molecular motion or heat.作为食品加工操作,除去热能也有缺点。The removal of thermal energy as a food processing operation has disadvantages.


中子的热能慢化 thermalization

使慢化到热能 thermalize

化学热能 chemical heat energy

原子核热能 nuclear heat energy

地热能 geothermal energy

地热能源 geothermal energy recources

地热能源,地下热能 geothermal energy source; geothermal energy

散热能力 heat dissipation potential

机械热能 mechanical heat energy

潜热能 calorific potential

热能 heat energy

热能分析器 thermo-energy analyser, TEA色谱分析亚硝胺专用检测器。

热能化 thermalization

热能谱的建立 thermalization

电热能 electrical heat energy

蓄热能力 hear accumulating capacity

近热能的 near thermal

