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数理的英文翻译 数理英文怎幺说 数理的英文例句



[shù lǐ]

    mathematical sciences

mathematical [mæθә'mætik(ә)l]



多数公开金钥加密系统(包括使用最广的rsa)都出自素数理论。Most public-key cryptosystems--including rsa the most-widely adopted--stem from prime-number theory.围棋必胜法的数理逻辑观照?Mathematical logic of winning strategy for games?摘要试验设计是数理统计学的一个重要的分支。The experimental design is an important branch of mathematical statistics.这次期末考试我的数理化三科总分是360分。My total score of math physics and chemistry at the end-term examination is360.真实数值可以为零至一的连续数的一种数理逻辑。A form of mathematical logic in which truth can assume a continuum of values between0and1.真值表等数理逻辑方法的判定功能。Judging function of methods of mathematical logic such as truth table etc.


指数理论 theory of index number

数理人口学 mathematical demography

数理分析 mathematical analysis

数理哲学 metamathematics

数理学派 mathematical school

数理物理学 mathematical physics

数理生物学 mathematical biology

数理经济 mathematical economy

数理经济学 mathematical economics

数理统计 mathematics statistics

数理统计关联 statistical correlation

数理统计学 mathematical statistics

数理统计学会 Institute of Mathematical Statistics IMS)

数理统计学会 Institute of Mathematical Statistics IMS)

数理统计相关 statistical correlation

数理统计研究所 institute for mathematical statistics

数理语言学 mathematical linguistics

数理逻辑 mathematical logic; logistic

按现行的数理 according to cocker

真分数理论 true score theory

近似值物价指数理论 approximation theory of price index number

