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属的的英文翻译 属的英文怎幺说 属的的英文例句



[shǔ de]


generic [dʒi'nerik]



一个广泛生长的多年生草本属;唐松草属的一种植物。Widely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue.一个海军中将下属的海军少将。An admiral junior to a vice admiral.一个命名属或亚属的真名模式,亦即其命名种。The nominal species that is the name-bearing type of a nominal genus or subgenus.一种双子叶属的植物。A genus of dicotyledonous plants.一种稀土属的三价金属元素,通常与钇共生。A trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; usually occurs in association with yttrium.依附,附属的状况隶属于非常需要或渴望的某人或某事Subordination to someone or something needed or greatly desired.在一些分类中被认为是金翅属的一个亚属;金雀和新大陆金翅雀。In some classifications considered a subgenus of carduelis: siskins and new world goldfinches.


从属的国家结合 subordinate combination of states

从属的问题 auxiliary problem

包金属的防火门 metal-clad fire door; kalamein

半金属的 semimetallic

双金属的 bi metallic

同属的 congeneric

含有贱金属的硬辅币 base coin

归属的需要 need to belong

无亲属关係的个人,无亲属的单身人 unrelated individual

涂金属的熔凝硅石丝 metal-coated fused silica filament

渗金属的多孔耐火材料 metal-infiltrated porous refractory

货币金属的劳动生产率 labor productivity of the metal used in the currency; labor productivity of the currency metal

镀过金属的铝 n. clad aluminium

镀防金属的 n. stainless clad

附属的 accessory

附属的连结 akzessoriscke anknupfung

隶属的调整方法 subordinate method of regulation

雇工属的关係 relationship between or among employee

非金属的 nonmetalliferous

