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饪的英文翻译 饪英文怎幺说 饪的英文例句



    cooked food
    to cook (until ready)

Cooked [kukt]


food [fu:d]


cook [kuk]

    n.厨师 v.烹调,煮,伪造

until [ʌn'til]

    prep.到...为止,在...以前 conj.到...为止,在...以前,直到...才

ready [redi]



未成熟的豆,烹饪前要去掉荚壳。Unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking.未受精的龙虾卵;烹饪时变红;用作装饰或给酱油加色。Unfertilized lobster roe; reddens in cooking; used as garnish or to color sauces.我的烹饪手艺相当马虎。My cooking is rather slapdash.相比之下,丹麦皇家对于烹饪的看法也许更现代些。Denmark's royal family perhaps has a more modern view of cooking traditions.一本写于10世纪的阿拉伯烹饪书介绍了麵团做成的第一种食品,An arab cook book written in the tenth century describes the first food made of pasta用微波炉烹饪或加热。Cook or heat in a microwave oven.有点象麦金托什苹果;既可食用又可烹饪的苹果。Somewhat resembles a mcintosh; used as both an eating and a cooking apple.在你们的烹饪书中,汤类是归入“第一道菜”之下的。In your recipe book you'll see that soups come under starters.在烹饪时用木匙来搅拌、混合配料。Use a wooden spoon for stirring and mixing ingredients while cooking.长期耕种的杂交大黄;茎烹饪后用来做饼,或用作调味品或防腐。Long-cultivated hybrid of rheum palmatum; stems often cooked in pies or as sauce or preserves.取自巴西棕坚果的半固体脂肪,用于烹饪和制肥皂。Nuts of the cohune palm; used in cooking and soap making.


万能烹饪锅 universal cooker

厨房烹饪设备 kitchen cooking equipment

烹饪器 cooking pot

烹饪器皿 flame ware

烹饪火灾 cooking fire; kitchen fire

烹饪设备 cooking equipment

燃油烹饪器 oil burning cooker

