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署的英文翻译 署英文怎幺说 署的英文例句



    to sign

office [ɔfis; (-) 'ɔ:fis]


bureau [bjuәrәu; (-) bju'rәu]

    n.办公桌,衣柜 局,办公署

sign [sain]

    n.标记,符号,记号,徵兆,迹象,徵候 v.签名(于),署名(于)~,签署


五角大楼下令在华盛顿周围部署地对空导弹Pentagon orders deployment of surface-to-air missiles around washington


三方签署的票据 three name paper

专利发明人署名权纠纷案 controversy over the right to the undersigning of patent inventor

专员公署 commissioner''s office

世界粮食计画署 World Food Program WFP)

中华人民共和国海关总署 General Customs Administration of the People''s Republic of China

中央林务署 central forest office

临时签署 signature ad hoc; signature ad interim

亲笔署名 autograph

公署 government office

公证人签署的承兑票据 notarial act of honor

共同安全总署 mutual security agency

共同签署人 comaker

共同签署票据人 comaker

共同署名者 consignatory; cosigner

军法署 judge advocate-general''s department

军法署署长 judge advocate-general

农业信贷署 Farm Credit Administration

农业调整署 Agricultural Adjustment Administration

农场信贷署 Farm Credit Administration

副签,副署 countersign; counter signature

副署 counter signature

副署商业发票 countersigned commercial invoice

副署提单 counter signed bill of lading

副署长 deputy administrator

力量部署 force development

加拿大国际开发署 Canadian International Development Agency

劳埃德保险单签署处 Lloyd''s Policy Signing Office LPSO); Bureau, The

区域部署 area allocation

历代狱讼官署 trial offices in the past dynasties

双署法 two signature method

