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    a comb
    to comb

comb [kәum]

    n.梳子,梳,鸡冠,蜂巢 vi.梳(发),搜索


她把梳子放在茶叶旁边。She put the comb beside the tea leaves.她梳着马尾髮型。She wears her hair in a ponytail.我得去战略室好好梳核实一遍We got the war room up and running again.我刚梳好头髮,约翰,不许你将它弄乱。I've just had my hair set john and I can't bear you to ruffle it up.我们不是每天这样梳洗打扮也过得去。We could well do without so much spit and polish as part of our routine.因为眼前的这些梳子就是好几个月来德拉一直所渴望得到的摆在商店橱窗里的那套梳子。For there lay the combs are the set of combs that della worshipped for many months in a shop-window.


一级精梳毛 first combing

三梳栉经缎织物 lined satin

三梳栉起绒经编织物 lined tricot

中级梳条毛 averager topmaking

丹贡布精梳斜纹织物 Dancomb

亚尔萨斯式精梳毛纺 Alsatian spinning

亚麻双面梳麻机 duplex flax hackling machine

亚麻精梳短麻纱 linen combed tow yarn

亚麻联合梳麻机 flax tow combined card

交叉式针梳机 intersecting frame

人丝梳细棉纱线纹布 rayon combed cotton cord

他梳理 allogrooming

伊莎贝尔细薄精梳毛织物 Isabel

低级梳毛衣料 tamiska

倾卸梳理机 n. dump card

内螺纹梳刀 inside chaser

切向螺纹梳刀 landis chaser tangential chaser

利斯特长毛精梳机 Lister''s comber

半精梳毛纱 mock worsted yarn

半精梳纱 semicombed yarn semi-worsted yarn

半精梳羊毛 half-combing wool

单口梳发绞剪 single thinning shears

印花精梳巴里纱 printed voile,combed

印花精梳府绸 printed poplin,warp combed

厚梳毛哔叽 serge de berry

厚梳毛哔叽 serge de berry

双口梳发铰剪 double thinning shears

双口理髮梳剪 double thinning barber shears

双圈条梳棉机 double coiler card

双排六斗梳粧檯 double dresser with 6 drawers

