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    to strain
    pour out

strain [strein]

    n.过度的疲劳,紧张,张力,应变 vt.扭伤,损伤 v.拉紧,扯紧,(使)紧张,尽力

pour [pɔ:(r)]


out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过


我限定自己只听为女低音歌手、女中音歌手或抒情女高音歌手谱写的乐曲。I limit myself to music that's for contralto mezzo or lyric soprano.希腊抒情诗人品达所用的颂诗形式;三部分中有三组。An ode form used by pindar; has triple groups of triple units.写抒情诗的关于或构成这种抒情诗的,如十四行诗或赋的Relating to or constituting a poem in this category such as a sonnet or an ode.新婚喜歌献给新娘新郎的抒情颂歌A lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom.雪莱最着名的抒情诗当属“西风颂”,这首诗语气狂热,宜于诵读。Here shelley's rhapsodic and declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them.一个关于现代挪威抒情诗歌的重要会议。A very important meeting about modern norwegian iyricai poetry.这篇文章的视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。The view point of this article is unique and its description is direct and penetrating at one time.

