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手印的英文翻译 手印英文怎幺说 手印的英文例句




    fingerprint;handprint;fingermark;Hand Seal;mudra

fingerprint [fiŋgәprint]

    n.指纹,手印 vt.采指纹

handprint [hændprint]


hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给

seal [si:l]

    n.封铅,封条,印,图章,密封 vt.封,密封 n.海豹,海豹毛皮

mudra [mə'drɑ]



那不是手印,是手套印That's not a handprint that's a glove print.你丈夫的手印上有受害者的血液Your husband's handprint in the victim's blood.如果这是梅林达的手印If this is melinda's handprint手印手留下来的轮廓或压痕An outline or indentation left by a hand.所以如果我的线人飞出了窗户,他的屁股上肯定布满了菲力克斯的手印So if my cl flies out a window he's got felix's handprints on his ass.他用按手印替代签字。He used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature.我们和行李上的手印做了比较We compared the handprint to the print on your luggage.我们在墙上找到了一个血手印We got a bloody handprint on the wall.也许她应该来按个手印Maybe you want to fingerprint her.这个看上去像是血手印It looks like a bloody handprint.两手放在两膝上,结成智慧手印,两肩放鬆。Hands on knees in jnan mudra shoulders relax.那是从车窗上取下的手印That is a palm print taken from the window of that rental car.


人丝手印布 spun rayon hand printed cloth

手印 fingerprint; handprint; thumb print

手印鑒定 handprint identification; thumb print identification

按手印 put one''s fingerprint; according to; author; make a comment;put one''s fingerprint on; sign with a thumbprint

按手印者 person who signs with a thumbprint

