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热管的英文翻译 热管英文怎幺说 热管的英文例句



[rè guǎn]

    thermotube;heat pipe;heat tube

heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹

pipe [paip]

    n.管,导管,烟斗,管乐器,笛声 vt.以管输送,吹哨子 vi.吹笛,尖叫


电工太阳能热管真空管集热器。Diangong heat tube vacuum tube heat collector.


中温热管 moderate temperature heat pipe

伴热管线 heat traced pipeline

低温热管 low temperature heat pipe

供热管道 heat supply pipeline

内波纹管隔热管 heat-proof tubing of inner-corrugated expansion joint

加热管 heating pipe

卧式消毒器电热管 electric hot-tube for horizontal type sterilizer

外波纹管隔热管 heat-proof tubing of outer-corrugated expansion joint

带散热管油箱 tank with bend pipe

散热管 radiator

液体隔热管柱 liquid heat-insulation string

液态金属热管 liquid metal heat pipe

深冷热管手术器 heat pipe surgery cryoprobe

热管 heat pipe

热管反应器 hot tube reactor

热管技术 heat pipe technique

热管换热器 heat-pipe exchanger

热管热交换器 heat pipe exchanger

热管铜蒸汽雷射器 heat-pipe copper vapor laser

电热管 tubular electric heating element

蒸气加热管 n. steam heating pipe

蒸汽加热管 n. steam heating pipe

过热管 superheater tube

隔热管柱 heat insulated tubing string

集成式远红外电热管 integrated far-ultrared electric-heat tube

预应力隔热管柱 prestressed heat-insulation string

