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热泵的英文翻译 热泵英文怎幺说 热泵的英文例句



[rè bèng]

    heatpump;heat pump

heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹

pump [pʌmp]

    n.泵,抽水机 vt.(用泵)抽(水),抽吸


发展1000万平方米地热及水源热泵供暖,替煤量34万吨。* Switch to geothermal energy and water source heat pumps for space heating:丰富的热泵技术知识,并具有大中型热泵项目的实际工作经验。Heating technology in depth for big heat pump projects.太阳能与热泵联合乾燥木材匹配优化的研究。Study on the optimum combination of solar energy and heat pump drying.我们将可逆热泵同“超机器”联接起来。We couple the reversible heat pump with the superengine.研究了利用冷水凝固热的热泵技术。Studies the heat pump systems exploiting the freezing heat.用于地源热泵封闭回路的传热液。A heat transfer fluid used in the sealed closed loop of the gshp.


一次热泵 primary heat pump

二次热泵 secondary heat pump

传热泵 heat pump

供暖热泵 heating heat pump

吸收式热泵 absorption heat pump

地-气式热泵 soil/air heat pump

地-水式热泵 soil/water heat pump

太阳能热泵 solar heat pump

家用热泵 domestic heat pump

工业热泵 industrial heat pump

气-气式热泵 air/air heat pump

气-水式热泵 air-water heat pump

水-气式热泵 water-air heat pump

水-水式热泵 water/water heat pump

热泵 heat pump

热泵式乾燥机 heat pump drier heat pump drying plant

热泵式热水器 heat pump water heater

热泵式空调器 heat pump type air conditioner

热电热泵 thermoelectric heat pump

空气压缩式热泵 air heat pump

蒸汽压缩式热泵 vapor compression heat pump

蒸汽喷射式热泵 steam jet heat pump

高温型吸收式热泵 high temperature absorption heat pump

高温热泵 high temperature heat pump

