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收入来源的英文翻译 收入来源英文怎幺说 收入来源的英文例句



[shōurù láiyuán]

    revenue sources

revenue [revәnju:; (-) 'revәnu:]



这个户头为你提供了一个现成的收入来源。This account prov我明白了。那主要的收入来源是什幺呢?I see.what is the main cash crop?小吃,零食是主要的收入来源。Snack food is the main cash crop.超低硫柴油税是一项稳定的收入来源。The duty on ultra low sulphur diesel is a steady source of revenue.较普通的产品是这种工业的主要收入来源。Plainer products are the bread and butter of the industry.约65%的印度人以农业为主要收入来源。Around65% of india's population depends on agriculture for regular income.


一次性收入来源 nonrecurring sources of income

主要收入来源 major income source

应归属收入来源国的劳务 service attributable to the source country

按收入来源分别扣缴的预提税收 separate withholding taxation

收入来源 revenue sources; source of income

收入来源国 the state of source

收入来源地税收管辖权 source of income tax jurisdiction

收入来源地管辖权 jurisdiction of taxation at the source; source jurisdiction

收入来源地管辖权之间的冲突 conflicts among jurisdictions of taxation at the source

收入来源地管辖权的原则 principles of jurisdiction of taxation at the source

收入来源法 income-originating approach

收入来源税收管辖权 source jurisdiction

没有收入来源的失业者 inactive unemployed

由收入来源徵税的原则 principle of taxation at source; taxation at source principle

