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[rǎn shàng]

    come down with;get

come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽


稍微染上粉红色的白色花瓣;镀上了灿烂的阳光的旗帜;稍微染上了粉红色的苹果花。White petals touched with pink; the resplendent sun-touched flag; pink-tinged apple blossoms.死于癌症,在越南染上的Cancer brought it back from nam.他们染上斑疹伤寒而死They caught the typhus and died.他是一个深具宗教气质的人,因此他的情绪上便必然会染上虔敬的色调。Of a deeply religious temperament there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in his mind.他小的时候就染上了偷盗的恶习。He has picked up a bad habit of stealing since he was young.她染上性病了。She's got a social disease.许多人染上了赌博的恶习,愈陷愈深,不能自拔,于是向高利贷者借钱还债。Many took to gambling and got in over their heads borrowing from shylock to pay their debts.学生常会染上头蝨。Schoolchildren often become infected with head lice.易染上的不抵抗的,尤指对疾病或环境因素,如热或湿气Not resistant especially to a disease or an environmental factor such as heat or moisture.在研究可卡因用于神经阻滞麻醉的过程中,他和部分助手染上了药瘾。While working with cocaine for nerve block anesthesia he and some of his associates became addicted.


不知不觉地染上 slid into; slide into

染上 fall into the habit of

能染上羊毛染料的粘胶短纤维 wool-dyeing viscose staple fibre

被沾染上 be bitten with

