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收成的英文翻译 收成英文怎幺说 收成的英文例句





harvest [ha:vist]

    n.收穫,收成,结果,成果 v.收穫,收割


新疆又获得一次好收成。Xinjiang has gathered in another good harvest.以撒在那地耕种,那一年有百倍的收成。And isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold.印度今年不好的收成是导致小扁豆短缺的原因。A poor harvest has been blamed for the shortage of dal in india.这次印度木豆的短缺归结于今年不好的收成。A poor harvest has blamed for the shortage of dal in india.这块贫瘠的土地上收成不好。Harvests are poor in this infertile area.这天气预兆着有好收成。The weather promts a good harvest.庄稼收成的前景如何?How does the crop promise?我们努力消除天灾造成的影响,夺得了好收成。We fought off the effects of this natural calamity and wrested a good harvest.


代收成本 collection cost

修正吸收成本计算 modified absorption costing

全部作物收成法 completed crop pool method

再吸收成本 reabsorbed costs

历史吸收成本计算 historical absorption costing

可回收成本 recoverable cost

吸收成本 absorption cost

吸收成本法,吸收成本计算 absorption costing

吸收成本计算收益表 absorption costing income statement

回收成本制 cost-recovery basis

大面积作物收成估算试验 large area crop inventory experiment

实际吸收成本计算 actual absorption costing

实际收成 actual crop

已吸收成本 absorbed costs

托收成本 collection cost

收成 harvest; crop

收成估计 crop prospects

收成保险 crop insurance

收成保险计画 crop insurance scheme

新穀期,新收成 new crop NC)

旧穀期,旧收成的农作物 old crop

未吸收成本 unabsorbed costs

未回收成本 unrecovered cost

标準吸收成本计算 standard absorption costing

棉花的收成估计 range forecast

资本回收成本 capital recovery cost

