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寿终的英文翻译 寿终英文怎幺说 寿终的英文例句



[shòu zhōng]

    debt of nature;debt to nature;die a natural death;to die at a ripe old age

debt [det]


nature [neitʃә(r)]


die [dai]

    vi.死亡,消逝,平息,渴望,漠然,熄灭 vt.死 n.骰子,钢型,硬模,沖模

natural [nætʃәr(ә)l]

    adj.自然的,自然界的,关于自然界的,天生的,天赋的,普通的,正常的,简单自然的 本位号

death [deθ]



这齣戏遭到恶评后,很快就寿终正寝了。After getting bad reviews the play quickly died the death.天国的和平;神圣、美妙的音乐;寿终正寝的超凡幸福。Celestial peace; ethereal melodies; the supernal happiness of a quiet death.(上个世纪)0年代政府开始採用协调世界时,即utc,格林威治时间寿终正寝。It died in the seventies when governments adopted coordinated universal time or utc.霍伦贝克,出身于已寿终的左派出版物Don hollenbeck a graduate of the demised pinko publication pm..


寿终 paid her debt to nature; paid his debt to nature; paid my debt to nature; paid our debts to nature; paid the debt of nature; paid their debts to nature; paid your debt to nature; paid your debts to nature; pay her debt to nature

寿终正寝 die in bed; die in her bed; die in his bed; die in my bed; die in our bed; die in their bed; die in your bed; died in bed; died in her bed; died in his bed; died in my bed; died in our beds; died in their beds; died in your bed

