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首演的英文翻译 首演英文怎幺说 首演的英文例句



[shǒu yǎn]

    maiden stage role
    first performance
    first public showing

maiden [meid(ә)n]

    n.少女,处女 adj.未婚的,纯洁的,处女的,无经验的

stage [steidʒ]

    n.舞台,戏剧,活动场所,发展的进程,阶段或时期,驿站 vt.上演,筹备,举行

role [rәul]


first [fә:st]

    adv.首先,最初,第一(列举条目等用),优先 adj.第一的 num.第一(个) n.开始,第一,(比赛)冠军

performance [pә'fɔ:mәns]


public [pʌblik]

    n.公众,(特定的)人群,公共场所 adj.公众的,公共的,公立的,公用的


她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词。She went over her lines before the first night of the play.这个剧本在百老汇首演时极为轰动。The play is a riot when it was first produced on Broadway.1850年的今天,理查•瓦格纳的歌剧《罗恩格林》在德国的魏玛首演。Richard wagner's opera lohengrin premieres in weimar germany.1925年,乔治?格什温的f大调钢琴协奏曲在卡内基音乐厅首演。George gershwin's piano concerto in f is premiered at carnegie hall.她在该剧首演前又练习了一遍台词。She went over the lines before the first night of the play.我由于去哈瓦那结果差一点没赶上首演之夜。I nearly missed the first night as a result of going to havana.我总是发现灰度粘土首演专业人员是学习的直觉申请。I've always found adobe premiere pro to be an intuitive application to learn.一定得等到首演夜,出去We must wait.we must wait until opening night.这个演出的首演将在洛杉矶的桃乐西,钱德勒馆举行。The show will have its premiere at the dorothy chandler pavilion in los angeles.正计画于2006年10月14日在莫斯科mdm剧院举行首演。Mamma mia! Is planned to open at the mdm theatre moscow on14october2006.

