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手锯的英文翻译 手锯英文怎幺说 手锯的英文例句



[shǒu jù]

    handsaw;tenon saw;arm saw;hand saw;hackfile;back saw;hackfile;hand back saw;hand backsaw;hand-saw



tenon [tenәn]

    n.[木工]榫,凸榫 vt.接榫,造榫 vi.开榫,榫接

saw [sɔ:]

    n.锯 v.锯 vbl.see的过去式

arm [a:m]

    n.臂,臂状物,衣袖,海湾,武器 vt.供给,提供,武装,装备 vi.武装起来

hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持


按木头的纹理切割的手锯。A handsaw for cutting with the grain of the wood.比如说切除头盖骨时用的手锯Such as the use of a handsaw in removing the skullcap.上边缘用金属加固的手锯。A handsaw stiffened by metal along upper edge.用来切割短的半径曲线的手锯;类似于钢丝锯。A handsaw for cutting short radius curves; similar to a compass saw.有细的三角形刃片可以切断曲线的手锯。A handsaw with a thin triangular blade for cutting curves.


修枝手锯 pruning saw

双刃手锯 double-faced hand saw

双面手锯 hand saw with double edge

塑胶柄手锯 hand saw with plastic handle

塑柄手锯 back saw with plastic handle

大理石手锯 grub saw

小型手锯 junior hand saw

小手锯架 junior hacksaw frame

手锯 hand saw

手锯条 handsaw blade

手锯架 frame for handsaw

手锯柄 hand saw handle

木柄手锯 back saw with wooden handle hand saw with wooden handle

袖珍手锯 mini hand saw

镶边手锯 back saw bead saw

鸡尾手锯 compass saw

鸡尾手锯条 compass saw blade

