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手里的英文翻译 手里英文怎幺说 手里的英文例句



[shǒu lǐ]

    in hand
    (a situation is) in sb's hands

hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给

situation [sitju'eiʃ(ә)n]



下一次可能是一个纽约居民放下自己手里的事,指引一名外地人回到他的旅店;Other times a native new yorker will go out of his way to guide an out-of-towner to his hotel.现在他又递给我一纸筒金币,我从他手里接下,却放到了桌上。He now gave me a rouleau of gold. I took it from his hand but laid it on the table.严贡生说此话,因他弟兄两个在周宗师手里都考的是二等。Yan said this because the two brothers had been ranked in the second class by commissioner zhou.一个剑客的光芒与生命,往往就在他手里握着的剑上,The glory and life of a swordsman lie in the very sword clenched in his hands.因为我的手里有星星纹。Because there is stellated veins in my hand.政权落在人民手里了。The state power has fallen onto the people's hands.主动权掌握在我们手里。The initiative rests with us.总之这位盖世的英雄死在阴谋家的手里。In a word this unparalleled hero dies is in the hand of schemer.


手里还有王牌 hold some trumps

掌握在...手里 am in the possession of; are in the possession of; is in the possession of; was in the possession of; were in the possession of

故意出最高价使...落到自己手里 bid in

故意出最高价使茉物落到自己手里 bidden in

