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手的的英文翻译 手的英文怎幺说 手的的英文例句



[shǒu de]


manual [mænjuәl]

    n.手册,指南 adj.手的,手动的,手工的,体力的,手册(性质)的,[律]实际佔有的


它会使你立即住手的。It can stop you in your tracks.它是用来蒸发对手的供水设施的Lt uses focused microwaves to vaporize the enemy's water supply.她竟全然不顾风琴手的伴奏而只管自己往下唱。She carried on with a sublime disregard for the organist's accompaniment.她喜欢收藏小物件,凡到手的东西她都储存起来。She was a pack rat and saved everything she got her hands on.委员会面临的最棘手的问题。The most troublesome issue facing the commission.习惯用右手的寿命平均比左撇子长9年。Right-handed people live on average nine years longer than left-handed people do.协议离婚;没有对手的领袖An uncontested divorce; the uncontested leader.也就是说用右手的猴子和用左手的一样多。There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones.杂讯始终是地震勘探中最棘手的问题。Noise has always been the most troublesome problem in seismic prospecting.好几个宪兵用膝头顶着他的胸膛说“你们水手的信用原来是这样的!Good! "Said the gendarme placing his knee on his chest;"


专门敲诈上岸水手的人 land sharks

先下手的 first strike

反手的 backhanded

右手的 right handed

左手的 left handed

已到手的东西 bird in the hand

无对手的候选人 unopposed candidate

有两个捏手的 two handled

末到手的东西 bird in the bush

棘手的问题 delicate queation; delicate question; hot potato; tough nut to crack

水手的提箱 n. ditty box

着手的错误 go-error

第一手的 first hand

第二手的 secondhand

自动手的 automatic manual; automaticmanual

解除汇票上前手的责任 discharge of a prior party

谈论棘手的问题 skate on thin ice; skate over thin ice

