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收报的英文翻译 收报英文怎幺说 收报的英文例句



[shōu bào]

    to receive mail
    to receive a telegraph

receive [ri'si:v]


mail [meil]

    n.邮件,邮政,盔甲 vt.邮寄,给...穿盔甲


报童提早一天来收报费,霍布斯太太的钱不够交付。Mrs Hobbs was caught short when the newspaper boy came for his money a day early.道钟斯收盘时上涨153。35点,涨幅1。2个百分点,收报12961。98点,全日最高位为12966。29点的新高。The dow closed up153.35 or1.20percent at12961.98 after setting a new intraday high of12966.29.一九九九年年底,九九金每橭收报2692元,而一九九八年年底则为2652元。At the end of the year gold cost$ 2692per tael compared with$ 2652at the end of1998.将资讯自动印在“现字纸条”上的收报机。Paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints.接收器用于接收无线电信号的仪器;收报机An apparatus used to receive radio signals; a receiver.有电话、栅栏、黑板及收报机That'll give you phones cages blackboards and ticker gear.自动收报机已开始工作。The ticker tape machine began to throw out tape.自动收报机用纸带,电报纸带。Ticker tape the paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints.


局内收报凿孔机 intra-office reperforator

徵收报复性关税 retaliate

收报人 addressee

收报人付帐电报 collect telegram

收报人名址 address

收报台 station of destination

收报局 office of destination,O/D

收报机 code receiver telegraph receiver

有线收报机 wire telegraph-receiver

材料验收报告 materials examination and acceptance report

波纹收报机 syphon recorder

自动收报机 tape machine; ticker

自动收报设备 automatic telegraph receiving equipment

证券行情自动记录收报机 stock ticker

验收报告单 receiving report

