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识字的英文翻译 识字英文怎幺说 识字的英文例句




    to learn to read

learn [lә:n]

    vi.学习,听到,获悉 vt.学习,学会,认识到

read [ri:d]

    v.读,阅读,理解,学习 adj.有学问的 n.读取 vbl.read的过去式和过去分词


全国实用识字和应用语言学局;National directorate for functional literacy and applied linguistics;然而,在识字率高的社会,几乎任何一种工作都要求会读、会写。Yet in highly literate societies being able to read and write is crucial in almost every job.他们通过背诵知道经文,但他们并不识字。They may know some things by rote but are not literate.他因不识字而吃亏。He was handicapped by illiteracy.这位老人得找个能识字的人来读儿子来的信。The old man has to ask a literate to read the letter his son wrote him.姥姥识字。她把字写的象馒头大,让我照着写。She could read chinese characters and wrote characters in large size so I could copy them.然后,我要为自己买一本识字课本。And then buy a spelling book for myself.识字给这年轻人无限的自由。Literacy brings to the young unbounded free dora.识字课本,初级读本教授儿童读书的初级课本An elementary textbook for teaching children to read.一会儿,爸爸拿着一本识字课本回来了,A moment later geppetto came back holding a spelling book in his hand


儿童识字卡 picture dictionary for children

幼儿识字器 word card player

拒识字元 reject character

格式标识栏位 format identification field

顺序标识栏位 sequence identification field

