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失业救济的英文翻译 失业救济英文怎幺说 失业救济的英文例句



[shīyè jiùjì]

    unemployment benefit;unemployment relief

unemployment [ʌnim'plɔimәnt]


benefit [benifit]

    n.利益,好处 vt.有益于,有助于 vi.受益


你有资格领取失业救济金吗?Are you entitled to unemployment benefit?这个星期你领失业救济金了吗?Have you signed on this week?你收到了失业救济金吗?Have you receive your dole money yet?农场工人没有失业救济金。There was no dole for farm labourers.他们靠失业救济金生活。They were on the dole.他失业了,正在申领失业救济金。He is unemployed and claiming the dole.排队领取失业救济金的人可能会变得愤愤不平,不适于被雇用。People on the dole queue may become embittered and unemployable.她领了六个月的失业救济金。She claimed unemployment benefit for six moths.医疗保险、失业救济、租金优惠Medicare unemployment rent vouchers这个失业工人靠失业救济金?生。This unemployed worker lives on unemployment benefit.


失业救济 unemployment relief; unemployment compensation

失业救济保障体制 unemployment relief program

失业救济修正法案 Unemployment Compensation Amendments

失业救济委员会 unemployment compensation board

失业救济支出财政补贴 grants-in-aid for unemployment compensation administration

失业救济金 umemployment benefit; unemployment pay; dole; unemployment pension

失业救济金最高限 wage stop

失业补助,失业救济制度 unemployment compensation

接受失业救济金 go on the dole; go on the relief fund; go on the social security; go on the unemployment; go on the welfare

用于失业救济等公共事业的开支 transfer payments

辅助失业救济金 supplementary unemployment benefit

辅助失业救济金,辅助失业津贴 supplementary unemployment benefit SUB)

