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昨晚的英文翻译 昨晚英文怎幺说 昨晚的英文例句




    yesterday evening
    last night

yesterday [jestәdei]

    n.昨天 adv.昨天

evening [i:vniŋ]


last [la:st; (-) læst]

    adj.最后的,临终的,末尾的,最近的,结论性的 vi.持续,支持,维持 vt.使维持,楦 adv.最后,后来 n.最后,末尾,临终,鞋楦头

night [nait]



昨晚看“失声尖叫”时遇害During a sneak preview of the new movie''stab ''昨晚我被一个强盗重重的一拳打在脸上。I was bashed in the face by a mugger last night.昨晚我摧毁了老巴里街。Last night I destroyed the old bailey.昨晚我打鼾了吗?Say did I snore last night?昨晚我的手錶被偷了。I had my watch stolen last night.昨晚我看了一个关于中国的电视节目。I watched a television programme about china last night.昨晚我们看见了一颗流星。Last night we saw a shooting star.昨晚我们晚饭吃了烤鹌鹑。We had roast quail for dinner last night.昨晚我们在听音乐,午夜后我才同莱恩分手。We were listening to some music and I didn't part company with len until after midnight last night.昨晚我去参加了一个雄鹿的聚会。Night elf male-"last night I went to an awesome stag party."昨晚我写了一封信。I had written a letter last night.昨晚我在外面找乐子,今天早晨我很累。I was on the razzle last night.and I'm rather tired this morning.昨晚现场演出中的新奇玩意包括全息图和旋转舞台。Among the gimmicks in last night's live act were holograms and a revolving stage.昨晚一幅毕沙罗的画被偷了A pissarro was stolen last night昨晚有一个电视节目介绍了表现派艺术。We watched a program that featured performance art on tv last night.

