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做工的英文翻译 做工英文怎幺说 做工的英文例句




    to work with one's hands
    manual work

work [wә:k]

    n.工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物]功,手工,作品,机件 v.(使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煆制

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

manual [mænjuәl]

    n.手册,指南 adj.手的,手动的,手工的,体力的,手册(性质)的,[律]实际佔有的


这件工艺品做工精细。The handicraft shows fine workmanship.这衣服做工太粗糙了。The clothes was cobbled up.众所周知,我们的台布做工精緻,价格公道。As been well-known our tablecloth is exquisitely made and moderately priced.做工精细而且别致的工作服Kind of kitschy but chic.就是这做工精细的镀金吊灯。It is right this exquisite gilt pendant lantern.他被提名做工党的候选人。He is nominate as labour candidate.所以,我的工作方法是儘量少做工作。That's why I have adopted a lighter work schedule.他们本是製造帐棚为业。保罗因与他们同业,就和他们同住做工。3and Because he was a tentmaker as they were he stayed and worked with them.她自己一个人做工。She's doing the work herseif.现在很少见到做工精良的皮鞋。Well-made leather shoes are few and far between these days.


做工作 did work; do work; does work; done work

做工作做得疲劳 be fatigued with work

做工精美 goodness of workmanship

到工但无工作可做工作日的工资 reporting pay

到工但无工可做工作日的工资 call-in pay; reporting pay

希望别人去做工作 let geoge do it

正在做工作 am at work; are at work; is at work; was at work; were at work

