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作价的英文翻译 作价英文怎幺说 作价的英文例句





evaluate [i'væljueit]

    vt.评价,估计,求...的值 v.评价


我们为客户提供专业领域内的深入服务和行业紧密结合的、具有实际可操作价值的谘询建议。We are also looking for the solution with chinese culture under the international stand.


专业化协作价格 prices for specialization and cooperation

产地作价 farm-price method

作价 fix a price for something; evaluate; making a price

作价买进无形资产 acquire intangible assets at a fixed price

作价入股 convert the assets into shares in the joint venture); turn the assets into shares

作价剩余资产 reevaluate remaining assets

作价归公 transfer to public ownership with compensation to current owners

作价投资 plant and land use fees are) counted as investment

作价补偿 compensation by conversion into cash payment

作价补钱买 trade for

作价还款 repayment after conversion into cash

内部协作价格 internal coordination price

出口工业品供应作价 fixing of prices of industrial goods supplied for export

协作价格 coordinated price

可变利率作价 variable-rate pricing

合理作价 fair pricing and square dealing)

名义作价 nominal allowed price

工业公司内部协作价格 internal coordination price of industrial corporations

工作价值 value of work

担保物作价 borrow offer

按国家调拨价格作价 prices of equipment) should be set at the normal allocation prices

放款银行对抵押品的作价 carrying value

材料作价 evaluating materials

物资企业作价原则 pricing standards applied by materials and equipment enterprises

