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左转的英文翻译 左转英文怎幺说 左转的英文例句



[zuǒ zhuǎn]

    to turn left

turn [tә:n]

    n.转动,旋转,转变方向,轮流,时机,(一)回,倾向,癖性 v.(使)转动,翻转,扭转,(使)变质,超过(年龄,数量等),车(成)

left [left]

    adj.左边的,左倾的,左侧的,左派的,左翼的 adv.在左面 n.左,左边,左派 vbl.leave的过去式和过去分词


电脑化地图有声音读出功能,因此它会说“200码后左转”。The computerized map has a voice read-out so it'll say "turn left in200yards."警戒员,全速航行,左转40度Officer of the watch maximum speed.come left40degrees.那辆计程车向左转,从教区牧师住宅的大门拐了进去。The tart turned left and swung in through the gates of the vicarage.然后向左转再走大约100米。照相馆就在电影院的旁边。Then turn left walk for about one hundred meters.the photo studio is next to a cinema.危我患有神经痛,脖子不能往左转。I've got neuralgia and con't turn my neck to the left.我们得左转舵以绕过浅滩。We need to port the boat to get around the shoal.一开始跳要按向前的键,当你起跳后就不要再按了,平滑的利用左键向左转。Start by running forward.when you jump.stop move forward strafe left and turn to the left smooth.在第三个拐角处往左转。Make a left at the third turning.在坡道尽头向左转?Left at the end of the ramp?在前面那个停车标誌左转。Make a left turn at the stop sign ahead.在信号灯处左转。Turn left at the signal light.左转灯开启了个开关Turn signal activated a switch.


向左转 break left; turn left

左转弯匝道 left turn ramp

左转弯导向线 left turn guide line

左转弯的 left turn

左转机组 lefthand revolving engine unit

左转螺丝 left screw

左转角 angle to left

急向左转 turn sharp to the left

朝左转 bear left; bore left; borne left

由右向左转 against the sun

禁止左转弯 no left turn

禁止左转弯标誌 no leftturn sign

突然向左转弯 turn sharp to the left

