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左侧的英文翻译 左侧英文怎幺说 左侧的英文例句




    left side

left [left]

    adj.左边的,左倾的,左侧的,左派的,左翼的 adv.在左面 n.左,左边,左派 vbl.leave的过去式和过去分词

side [said]

    n.边,旁边,面,侧面,胁,一方,(一个)方面,摆架子 adj.旁边的,侧面的,副的,枝节的 vi.站在同一边


为此,应测量左侧座椅导轨至fpb踏板下边缘之间的距离。To do this measure from the left seat rail up to the lower edge of the pedal plate of the fpb.现在从投手板左侧击球的是Now batting from the left side of the plate在左侧的导航树中点击webservices连结。Click on the web services link in the left nav.枕骨左侧的人字形接缝处有压迫型骨裂Depression fracture on her occipital bone straddling the left lambdoidal suture.左侧和右侧的转向横拉杆完全相同。The left-hand and right-hand tie rods are identical.左侧可见骨膜被掀起。At the left the periosteum is being lifted off.左侧溜底线,反手旋转,双手灌篮Base-line left reverse-swinging two-handed jam!左侧是正常的棕色睾丸的边缘。A rim of normal brown testis appears at the left.左侧线条具有“ourpassion”字样的红色缩影相片。The left thread has red microprint of the words "our passion."


左侧 left side

左侧变数 lefthand variable

左侧对齐 left justify

左侧心力衰竭 leftsided heart failure

左侧数 left component; left hand component; leftcomponent; lefthand component

左侧数位 left hand digit

左侧数加法器 left hand adder

左侧梁 left side beam

左侧浮标 n. port hand buoy

左侧的 sinistral

左侧调整 left justify

左侧齿面 left flank面对齿轮的一个选定端面,观察其齿顶朝上的轮齿,位于齿体左侧的齿面。

