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作案的英文翻译 作案英文怎幺说 作案的英文例句




    to commit a crime

commit [kә'mit]


crime [kraim]



这个男人被抓进了警察局,指控在一个地方徘徊,蓄意作案。The man was taken to the police station on a charge of loitering with intent.侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.你认为他改变了作案手法?You think brian ford changed his m.o.?为什幺作案方式改变了呢?Why the change in m.o.?一个同样作案手法的兇手A killer with the same m.o.他真不走运,在作案时被员警逮住了。He was so unlucky that a roach caught him while he was at work.有个“裱糊匠”在明尼苏达作案It's a paperhanger who's working his way through minnesota.这个歹徒贼头贼脑的,寻机作案。This thief behaves stealthily and looks for an opportunity to steal something.


乘机作案 take a chance to commit a crime

作案 commit a crime; commit an offense; perpetrate a crime

作案兇器 weapons of offense

作案工具 tool for criminal purpose

作案成员 member involved in a crime

作案手法 modus operandi

作案时被逮 be caught in the act; be caught red-handed

作案现场 scene of a crime

团伙作案 commission of crimes by a gang

多次作案 repeatedly commit crimes

工作案例 job case

徘徊观望伺机作案 loiter with intent

持枪作案 commit crimes with firearms

流窜作案 flee about to commit crimes; go from place to place to commit crimes;flee around to commit crimes

流窜作案嫌疑分子 suspect of offenders on the run

结伙作案 gang up to commit crimes

青少年作案成员 young members involved in a criminal act

