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做为的英文翻译 做为英文怎幺说 做为的英文例句



[zuò wéi]

    to act as
    used erroneously for 作为|作为

act [ækt]

    n.幕,法案,法令,动作,举动,节目,(戏剧的)幕 vi.行动,产生...的效果,担当,表演,假装,表现,见效 vt.扮演,装作

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)

used [ju:st]



训练受控制的、反复的练习,以做为转授或完成一项技术或程式的手段Disciplined repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure.研究在芝加哥做为种族识别的都市标誌製造>,2000。Liao n.h. "investigating urban sign making as ethnic identity in chicago." 2000.用火宰杀来做为祭品。To kill as a sacrifice by fire.在做为情人这一点上,杰瑞米胜过雷伯德At this point.jeremy surpasses ray porter as a lover of mirabelle.这部电影以中年传奇小说家体面地结婚做为结局。The film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married.专家们有一个积极、大胆的想法,他们寄希望于在实验室中培育出一种组织,做为临时修补手段贴在伤口之上。An aggressive active therapy relies on tissue cultured in the lab for use as a temporary patch.做为国防部的现场联络员As on-site liaison for dod做为社长,我今天要呼吁,如同作为扶轮社的一份子一样的做出要求,希望你们持续建造扶轮社。I ask you today as president and as a rotarian like each you to continue building rotary.做为一个缓解急性精神病的成功例子As an example of the progress being made to relieve severe psychosis.


做为先驱 in the van of

做为抵销而提出的债权 claim made by way of set off

