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做完的英文翻译 做完英文怎幺说 做完的英文例句



[zuò wán]

    to finish
    to complete the task

finish [finiʃ]

    n.完成,结束,磨光,末道漆,完美 vt.完成,结束,用完,毁掉,使完美 vi.结束,终结,停止,终止

complete [kәm'pli:t]

    adj.全部的,完全的,完成的 vt.完成,使完善

task [ta:sk; (-) tæsk]

    n.任务,作业 v.分派任务


你做完手术难道医生没有发现有后遗症?Do you finish operation does the doctor have sequela without discovery?哦,就在我做完报告后的休息时间供应点心吧。Well after my report there'll be an interval for rest and refreshments.如果我们全都加入工作,很快就可以做完。If we all muck in we'll soon finish the work.她做完整形手术后显得年轻了。She looked rejuvenated after plastic surgery.我们开始吧,做完离开这Let's just do my sign-off and get outta here.我想我这次搞对了,我向他们说了一通老实话,打动了他们的心。做完已经开始做的事情。I think I've done the trickthis time. I just gave them a bit of straight talk and it went home.要是我们一起出力,很快就能把活做完。If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job.在你们做完功课之前我不想听见你们这些孩子们再嘀咕什幺!I don't want to hear another peep out of you children until you've finished your homework!咱们一起干吧,很快就能做完。Let's all muck in together and we'll soon finish the job.这架飞机还需要我做完任期This broad needed one more tour of duty.


事已做完的时候 at the end of the day

做完 get done with; got done with; gotten through

快速做完 race through; whip through

急急忙忙地做完 polish off

把...做完 gotten done with

早做完了工作 be well forward with her work; be well forward with his work; be well forward with my work; be well forward with one''s work; be well forward with our work; be well forward with their work; be well forward with your work

迅速做完 whizz through

