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实权的英文翻译 实权英文怎幺说 实权的英文例句




    real power

real [riәl]


power [pauә(r)]

    n.能力,力量,动力,权力,[数]幂,[物]功率 vt.使...有力量,供以动力,激励


她没有实权。She has no real power.他空有高官的派头却并无实权。He have the trappings of high office but no real power.那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。The emperor was actually a political eunuch.他是一个没有实权的统治者,只是徒有虚名而已。He is a ruler without power, a mere fly on the wheel.赖朝死后,幕府实权落到北条家族手中,对这个体系做了修正。This system was improved by the hj family which took control of the shogunate on yoritomo's death.他只是一个傀儡,并不掌握多少实权。He was a figure-head and didn't exercise much power.国王仅仅是挂名的首脑,总统才真正握有实权。King is just a figurehead; it's the president who has the real power.实权属于车间和办公楼。Real power resides in the workshop and on the office floor.他将落到二流演员的地位,没有实权,也没有实惠。He'd be just second-rate with no real power no real juice.他们对这个世界的实权之争注定要失败。Their grab for real power in this world was doomed to failure.他是他们组织中的实权人物。He is the strong man in their organization.总统仅仅是挂名的首脑,党的领导人才真正握有实权。The president is just a figurehead; it's the party leader who has the real power.


实权 real power

成立无实权小组方法 nominal group technique NGT)

