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事情要做的英文翻译 事情要做英文怎幺说 事情要做的英文例句



[shìqíng yào zuò]

    work that needs to be done
    business that needs to be attended to

work [wә:k]

    n.工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物]功,手工,作品,机件 v.(使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煆制

needs [nɪdz]

    adv (arch or rhet 古或修辞) (used only with must, often indicating sarcasm 只与must连用, 常含讥讽之意) 1 of necessity; from a sense of personal obligation 必要地; 偏要; 偏偏; 非得: He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday, ie It was a foolish action causing great inconvenience. 我们正要去度假, 他却偏偏摔断了腿. 2 (idm 习语) ,needs ,must when the ,devil `drives (saying 谚) one is sometimes forced by circumstances to do what one does not want to do 情势所迫, 只得去做

done [dʌn]

    adj.妥当的,合乎礼仪的,完成了,做好了的,注定要完蛋的 vbl.做(do的过去分词)

business [biznis]



我们绝不能满足于自己的成绩, 还有很多事情要做。We must not be complacent about our achievements; there is still a lot to be done.一有事情要做, 鲍勃就没人影儿了, 他就是这样!It's typical of Bob to do a disappearing act just when there's work to be done!我们有许多事情要做。We have a hundred things to do.儘管还有许多事情要做,她仍然保持着演说家的活力。She retained her oratorical bounce when there was so much more to do.科学家在任其想像力自由遨游之外还有更多的事情要做。Scientists have more to do than to allow their imaginations to roam at large.其间我们有事情要做Meanwhile we have a job to do.我有许多事情要做。I have an ocean of things to do.

