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    perfect; complete

perfect [pә'fikt]

    n.完成式 adj.完美的,全然的,理想的,正确的,熟练的,精通的完成式的 vt.使完美,修改,使熟练

complete [kәm'pli:t]

    adj.全部的,完全的,完成的 vt.完成,使完善


不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福--那只不过是镜花水月You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will-o-the-wisp.这花瓶底部没有那几个小斑点就十全十美了。This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base.别想找十全十美的工作了--那简直是幻想。Stop looking for the perfect job it's just a fantasy.我还在学习, 别指望我十全十美!I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection!那种工作不可能做到十全十美。Perfection is impossible to achieve in that kind of work.别想找十全十美的工作了---那简直是幻想。Stop looking for a perfect job---it's just a fantasy.对于贴身男僕而言,没有哪个男主人是英雄;对于孩子的保姆而言,也没有哪个女主人是十全好人。No man is a hero to his valet; and no woman is a heroine to her children's nanny.当阿尔玛举行晚宴时,她总是办得十全十美。When she gives a dinner party alma always does it up brown.我看不出有什幺迹象表明这种十全十美的法国天堂真正会到来。I see no sign of the actual approach of this hundred per cent french paradise.不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福--那只不过是镜花水月。You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will-o '-the-wisp.她仍期待着遇到十全十美的男人。She's still hoping to meet mr right.


十全十美 be the acme of perfection

十全大补丸 bolus of ten powerful tonics general tonic pill shiquan dabu pill

十全大补汤 shiquan dabu decoction

十全大补膏 tonic semifluid extract of ten ingredients

十全大补酒 far-reaching tonic wine Perfect Great Tonic Liquor sze chuan dah boo chiew

十全聚尘器 perfection dust collector

