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做饭的英文翻译 做饭英文怎幺说 做饭的英文例句



[zuò fàn]

    to prepare a meal
    to cook

prepare [pri'peә(r)]


meal [mi:l]

    n.一餐,一顿饭,膳食,(穀类的)粗粉 vi.进餐

cook [kuk]

    n.厨师 v.烹调,煮,伪造


我煮了些土豆做饭。I boiled some potatoes for dinner.我最好现在就开始做饭。I'd better get right on it.我做饭和打扫卫生,另外我还帮助丈夫做写作方面的工作。I do all the cooking and cleaning and besides that I help my husband with his bookwork.这就是众多印度血统的人为什幺希望用印度木豆而非其它小扁豆来做饭的原因。That is why many people of indian ancestry want to cook with indian dal instead of other lentils.做饭总是我妈妈的强项。Cooking has always been my mother's forte.饭店本身可容纳80个客人,此外,还有几个套间客人可自己做饭。The hotel itself can accommodate80guests and in addition there are several self-catering apartments.搞清楚度假区的厨师用什幺做饭Find out what the resort cooks with今晚谁做饭?咱们掷硬币决定吧。Who's going to cook tonight? Let's toss up.我们在炉子上做饭。We cook on the stove.我做饭做得和她一样好,就是不会做油酥馅饼。I'm as good a cook as she is except when it comes to pastry.一周南非币5兰特,我还会帮你做饭Five rand a week.and I'll... I'll cook for you also.

